Adam Juarez's profile

Worldview: Always Transitioning


Project Details: Select a philosophical, political, economic, religious, or personal worldview to create an infographic in the form of a digital or traditional presentation drawing.
My Worldview: Always a Transition

This is a worldview of accepting that life never sits still. Some may consider themselves stuck in a moment, but they rarely see that life continues without them. It may be human nature to turn away from a simple truth that time marches on. Ideas shift, leaders rise, rules are made, and cities are built and destroyed. New ways of interacting become the new social norm for society. What was once accepted is now scrutinized or questioned. Typically, the first response to a change in any capacity would be fear. Fear of the unknown envelopes people into thinking change and transition will devalue what they have held onto for so long, their personal beliefs. A life that begins one way will certainly shift to a new perspective. This new perspective may not be so different from the first but there is something new, something different included. Whether or not some can admit it, they have transitioned in some way every day. They may not be the biggest changes, but there is no escape from a constantly spinning planet. Still not convinced? Take a minute to think back to childhood and the boundless possibilities that came with youth. The dreams and desires we wanted so badly seem to be missing from the list of priorities expected of an adult. Some might say that as children we did not have a full understanding of our core values and only through time and experience can we truly solidify what we stand for. In our experience, we grow and, in that growth, we continue to move forward.

Digital Roughs:
Between my digital designs, I was stuck between choosing the first design or the third. The reason I did not continue with the eye as I feel the information in this infographic would be hard to read.
Final Design
The final design is meant to represent a never-stopping world. One that no matter where you look there is always something new being added or changed from the past.
Worldview: Always Transitioning


Worldview: Always Transitioning
